Thursday, September 30, 2010

You: Richer and Richer

In times such as these, this post's title might seem curious but I want you to deeply inspect your portfolio. Instead of dollars and cents (or gold and silver), examine the intangibles that either elicit the feeling that you've hit a home run and even the ones that make you feel you've struck out. I started with the repeats: the neighbor with whom warm greetings are exchanged several times weekly or hearing the latest from an ardent wildlife conservationist at the nearby market. Such interactions--and I'd wager that you have a slew of your own--are crown jewels to be polished but can be so easily undervalued. Another asset is the magic, the medicine that is comedy. When coffee shop banter fails to produce laughter, there are books and electronic media to deliver the goods. And if you're anything like me you require different types at different times, so like any investment perusal, patience is in order to find your personal blue chip. Having begun with what serves a purpose you advance to that which no longer does: the underperforming stock all gussied up as a stagnating relationship or the enduring bad habit. If it can be salvaged/revamped, go for it. If not, there's always the recycling bin so the energy can be invested elsewhere. Clearly these assets--interactions, comedy, and the stock destined to be edited out--are anything but intangible and bear real time fruit, so take stock, rather take heart that you're richer than you think.

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