Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Cobweb Conspiracy

For anyone wondering about my brief hiatus, please blame it on my nascent meditation practice. It led me to reconsider my approach to a great many things and I actually "beat the heat" this year, or rather embraced it--sort of. Instead of withering in what still strikes me as a caldera carved by this clime's summer, I decided to get in on some of the smoldering. In other words, I snared a beau and he's quickly bypassing every firewall I've erected. And that's fine by me because those firewalls now appear to be more like cobwebs collecting dust and obscuring the loveliness of life. His seeming guilelessness initially set off alarm bells as though I was being goaded to eventual slaughter. The guillotine eventually met its fodder and it turned out to be the imagination I usually invest turning frogs into princes. Thus my internal software has undergone yet another upgrade and I find myself less and less taken aback to find that my prince is just a prince. Like so many things that go bump in the night, the conspiracy was of my making; walls and webs meant to protect me multiplied any time I met a suitor exhibiting the slightest hint of pretense. But they became an eyesore and when I happened upon a man that exudes forthrightness, I could see how the barriers fenced out trust as well. As gusts whisk them into obsolescence (and bring wondrous autumn within spitting distance), I wonder if change is in the air because Portugal is doing it too, blowing out its old energy policy with vast wind farms. Time will tell but for me, I bid a fond farewell to distrust and window dressing while I turn my attention to thoughts of apple-picking with my imperfectly perfect beau.

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